Sunday, October 08, 2006

i have made my decision...

I am determined to go to Europe next year, after I graduate. I haven't decided if I'm going to continue taking classes or get an internship. I guess it all depends on what kind of internships are available. At this point, I'm leaning more towards getting an internship for a year or so. If I like it, I might want to stay there forever. Something about the comfort zone in the US is unsettling. I want to be always adventurous and carefree; that way, i can tell everyone about my stories and people can laugh at my silliness. As my high school senior quote says, "i mean, a lot of people say differently, but I just like having people smile for's so great..." I can hear Yuki's voice, "MinWah, you're so silly!"

Even more exciting, though, is that I'm going to Europe this January with my faaaaavorite wilg people. And we might go backpacking in the Alps (if we don't freeze to death?) I still have to solve my dilemma of whether I want to go to Hong Kong this Christmas. I want to see my friends from KCC and windsurfing, and Lily is also there!

hmm, I think I should stop thinking and focus on studying. After all, I'm not done with the MIT monster yet.

1 comment:

lily said...

yes you want to come to hk for xmas. i need someone with whom to celebrate. i'm trying to arrange a thanksgiving dinner so that i won't feel sad and pathetic and miss wilg too much.