Thursday, October 04, 2007

can i see your ID?

Twice today...twice, i was called a teenager

the first, on the bus, where the 14 year old girl next to me thought i was at most 18, and a freshman in college.

the second, i was almost kicked out of the 'adult' section of the library. the guard walked up to me and said 'you're not allowed to be here.' 'what? why?' 'you're a teenager, you can only be in the teen section over there.' 'i'm not a teenager.' 'how old are you?' '21.' 'can i see your ID?'
I’m passing through security yesterday at the airport, trying to gather my stuff to keep the line moving. The security officer approaches me and says, “Do you really like riding bikes?” I was shocked, and a little terrified. “how do you know?” I asked him. “Oh, I saw you reading the cycling magazine on the bus.” Then I recognized him as the guy sitting across from me on the way to the airport. Whew, I almost thought the government was out to get me. He started telling me how he liked to ride his bike when he had free time…most of which I just smiled and nodded.

on another note, i took kriti jain along with the chinese mountaineering club to 'moon watch' for the moon festival. we looked like hobbits.

1 comment:

Taylor Roan said...

MinWah, MinWah, MinWah . . . The real question is . . . "What in earth were you doing in the "Adult Section" anyway???"