Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hello USA

Finally finished! Stayed up all night on Friday night/Saturday morning to finish my acting paper. Then went to Maine with Erika and MITOC. Green forests, wildlife, clear blue lakes, the vast Atlantic Ocean, fresh air: ahhh. Too bad Erika had a broken hand. We could've went sea kayaking and climbing. But the hikes were amazing anyways.

Now slowly getting myself back together. How I've missed cleaning my room and being able to run in the mornings! These two weeks before graduation are going to be refreshing.

I finished building my bike for the summer! Orian and I built it in under three hours last Wednesday night. It's pretty spiffy. Maybe that's what I should name it: Spiffy. I couldn't contain my excitement, so I biked all day Thursday. Now I have to somehow get me and my bike over to oregon and meet up with the others...Dip my tires in the Pacific Ocean, then HELLO USA!

jumpin' up and down, woohoo!

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