Thursday, November 09, 2006

a rare thought

you would almost never hear me say this...but i am so full; my tummy hurts. i had 3 big bowls of chili (with added cayenne pepper of course) and jalapeno ice cream from tosci's! who knew?!

huck a hunk last weekend was bundles of fun. for the longest time, i couldn't get the name right. i first thought it was "huck a pumpk", short for huck a pumpkin. and then people laughed at me, then got me all confused :) what is it? hunk a pumpk? hunk a hunk? hunk a huck? it's all good, i finally got it. huck a hunk.

i was extremely excited because i didn't get hit in the face at all. i still had some problems catching disks, but i mostly blame it on the weather. it was pretty cold in the my hands were cold and the disk was rather hard. i managed to catch at least a few disks in the game and one in the endzone again. woohoo! there is definitely room for improvement on those backhand throws though. gotta get more spin on it and throw it consistently TO the person.

the one thing i think erika forgot to mention at huck a hunk was her attitude when she's standing up for herself. you should've seen her. she was really fiesty. normally people would become scared, very scared, but we just laughed and thought it was awesome. in the wellesley game, first, there was argument over who caught the disk. erika firmly believed that karen had both of her hands on the disk before another girl put her hand on the disk while coming down from the jump. erika saw it with her own eyes, so she yanked the disk out of the wellesley girl's hand and put it in karen's hands. and when people wanted to talk about it, she was rebellious and stubborn. everything out of her mouth had that "don't give me that bullshit" connotation.

and then, it was her against "ralph". oh man, ralph was mad...real mad and annoyed, especially when she yelled that erika kicked her in the head. erika didn't contest it, but it wasn't erika's fault. then, they had another argument towards the end of the game. erika just responded with "you tripped on yourself." it could've gone on, if we weren't in the middle of a game. i could tell that girl was ready to have a fist fight or something like that. oh, the drama.

i'm rather proud of myself this week. i completed a thesis proposal and a lab report. i was very productive the last few days, and nothing better than topping it off with a three day weekend! smite has an end of season party on saturday. woot!


Erika said...

Yeah, so me reacting to the calls wasn't anything I forgot to mention, more like something I didn't want to talk about. I'm not terribly thrilled with my reaction for the one against Yale. I think I scared the girl a bit, which I didn't mean to do at all, I just wanted the right call.

And I wish I could take back my contest of the kicking Ralph in the head foul, because it really was due to her putting her head in a place that it was unavoidable for my foot, but I felt bad for her and was trying to not contest every call (and I thought that one was closer to being a foul than all the others).

Erika said...

I mean my "no contest".

lily said...

yeah, it's like that time at purple valley where a girl jumped in front of my backhand and got a really swollen lip out of it. i called a foul on her, which she didn't contest (after rolling on the ground for a while). so if your foot had been your hand, you could've called a foul on ralph instead, which definitely means you can contest that foul that she called. can you call reckless endangerment on people for recklessly endangering themselves?

minimousetrap said...

i don't know much, but i definitely think you can...because those recklessly endangered ones are the bitchy ones who need someone to straighten them up.